Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflextive Journal in Dialogue Form - 708 Words

This week’s application assignment required that we write journal entries for three consecutive days. Taking 15 minutes each time, we were asked to write a reflective journal in dialogue form. Once a journal entry was completed we were to review and reflect on our writing and the journaling experience. The following assignment includes an account of the experience and some â€Å"considerations of how journal writing can help with the development of a qualitative researcher† (Walden University, 2013). When I was younger, before I had children I used to regularly put my thoughts on paper. More accurately, I kept a journal since I was approximately eleven years old. I do not quite recall how it started, but at first I wrote little stories. Later, as I grew older I confided into my diary – my hopes, my dreams, my heartaches, my problems, and successes. Thus, being asked to keep a journal was not necessarily a new experience. However, what was unique was the dialogue form. Although I always wrote in a conversational tone and manner, I had never used the dialogue form to formulate my thoughts and experiences. At the beginning it felt awkward, strange, and uncomfortable to write a dialogue. Indeed, I struggled a little adhering to the form, constantly being tempted to fall back into essay style. However, after an initial feeling of being stuck, I found myself enjoying the experience. Since I simply let my thoughts flow, looking back and reviewing what I had written was an interesting

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